Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fried Food. Why.

Why do people eat fried food?  Let me redirect this question.  

Self, why did you eat that fried food?
Now you feel like a lethargic drone with a gurgling stomach.
Good job.
An entire day wasted as you melted into the couch whilst your eyes were shellacked over by the glow of YouTube videos that you weren't even that interested in.
Way to go.

Thanks french fries, deep fried falafels, and diabetes inducing beignets.  You were totally not worth it.  My arteries and thighs hate you..  They also hate me now for consuming you.

Salt and fat, why are you so alluring and yet so hazardous?
Let this be a lesson, self, before you face-plant into a funnel cake at the State Fair.

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